Stage 2 of the vege patch has now entered the formal planning stage. To the left are some photos of the existing gardens with the new ones in sight and for those not suffering from any eye issues, the string for the new fence is vaguely visible around the edges.
We currently have 21m² of vege garden space. This doesn't take into account the sandy loam garden at the end of the chicken coop as it is only really suitable for watermelons at the moment.
We are adding an additional 12m² of gardens in. We are also putting rabbit/hare/fox/overly diggy chocolate labrador proof fencing around the whole area and river pebbling the areas between the gardens to try to get on top of the grass which incessently marches, leaps and underscores the gardens themselves.
We are going to put thin gardens in around the fencing itself which will add an additional 5m² of vege space bringing our grand total to 38m² of deliciously abundant soil. This is a little over 409 sq ft for you imperials out there. In “How To Grow More Vegetables”, intensive gardening guru, John Jeavons, says you’ll need about 100 sq ft. per person, to grow enough vegetables to feed them for the whole year. With a family of five we need 500 sq ft, but as the boys are all under 8 I think we have time to add that critical 91sq ft or 8.5m² at a later stage.
FYI - The bottom picture shows our Asian vegetables coming through - there are a couple of Bok Choys, a couple of asian lettuces and an as yet unidentified one (Im hoping not some form of triffid).